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A Real Disaster (2000)

A Real Disaster (2000)

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2.78 of 5 Votes: 4
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About book A Real Disaster (2000)

Okay, first things first. I liked the book. But....The leading female to me had to many hang ups. It was like her past ruled her future and it got frustrating sometimes re-reading her self conflicting self. I did like the two male characters. The fighting between them was good. But what got me was the ending. And I mean literally the last 3-4 sentences. lol It was like dun dun dun......To me the story isn't finished. I want to see what happens to the three main characters. But I do not know if there will be another book. Or if this is a series kind of thing.Thus an overall 3 out of 5 stars. **2.5 I Can't Believe I Am At College, I Have 2 Friends And Even 2 Guys Interested In Me Stars**OMG...I can't get over how this book ended. I am very unhappy!! This book had a great story line however the character's were not up to par. Lily for one was annoying and whiny throughout the book. Nash is a Hottie but he is back and forth. I do however like Turner and I don't think that Lily gave him a fair chance at all. This book has the bones to be a great story but somehow fell short.

Do You like book A Real Disaster (2000)?

this is one of the books i really would want to throw.

Utter crap! Nothing further needs to be said.

Wtf.....I hate when books end like that!!!!

3.5 stars


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