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A Hero At The End Of The World (2014)

A Hero at the End of the World (2014)

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3.81 of 5 Votes: 2
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Big Bang Press

About book A Hero At The End Of The World (2014)

The book started out strong. POC lead characters, hilarious twist to destined hero trope, aftermath of becoming a hero, all great. I didn't really get the whole totem vs Zaubernagativum thing. I still don't understand how totems work. I liked the character development, but I felt everything was a little bit rushed. And the ending was a little bit too pat, which is why the book only gets 4 stars.I think the strongest thing the book has going for it is that it's funny, it's a quick read, and it would make an excellent action rom-com movie. (I mean, Alfred Enoch as Oliver, yes or yes?) 3.5 stars! The book was enjoyable and at times had me laughing out loud, and Im glad I bought it, but certain things fell a little flat. The ending, the villain (though given the satirical nature I could let it slide because Louise and Ralph the Ravager-Ralph the Ravager!- did make me laugh) and the romances. I would have liked to see a bit more of Sophie. While a secondary character, Archie felt more fleshed out than Sophie. Also, Archibald Gardener-Hobbes for favorite character.

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didn't like it all that much and so didn't finish, therefore not rating.

2.5very disappointing

3 1/2 stars

good 3.5

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