About book 50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning From Spiritual Giants Of The Faith (2009)
This book by Warren Wiersbe, in my opinion, falls between two stools ... enough detail to raise one's interest but not enough to satisfy one's curiosity! I like my biography detailed, well researched and footnotes! Having said that, it would make for a good holiday read, or something to dip in and out of as time permits.I have read Wiersbe before and enjoyed his writing, and so was expecting a lot more from this book than I got!One of the best bits are the 'Further reading' pages which I will, over time, dip into and select more detailed works! At best a 3-star read! What an incredible book about great preachers and what they brought to the churches and ministered to the peoples hearts! I learned a lot about many preachers I never even knew about. Such great hearts and boldness these people had and how their hearts still live on through others that they have reached in their lives. I am so moved by their lives that mine seems so boring and I have a burning desire for God as well as they do but I wasn't called to minister as them......truly a must read for everyone and I want more about some of these people that I am going to read a bunch more of auto and biographies on these incredible people of God.
Do You like book 50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning From Spiritual Giants Of The Faith (2009)?
As always, Warren Wiersbe does an excellent job bringing to life the lives of great Christians.
Very great summary's on some of the most passionite heros of our faith!
Small chapters but great treatment of these giants of the faith.
Remarkable Christians I knew little or nothing about.