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Yu Li-Qiong

Yu Li-Qiong
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Books by Yu Li-Qiong


A New Year's Reunion. Yu Li-Qiong (2011)

Maomao’s papa works far away from home and only comes home for the Chinese New Year, January 23. Maomao hardly recognizes her papa when he arrives, but before no time the family is making rice balls, listening to firecrackers, and watching the dragon dance the streets. Although Maomao loves doing...

A New Year's Reunion. Yu Li-Qiong (2011) by Yu Li-Qiong

A New Year's Reunion: A Chinese Story (2011)

This is the story of Chinese New Year, as experienced by Maomao, a young girl whose father works far away, and can travel home only for the important holiday. When the father arrives home, the family of three make sticky rice balls (yuanxiao), fix up the house, and watch a dragon dance weave its ...

A New Year's Reunion: A Chinese Story (2011) by Yu Li-Qiong

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