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Nic Bishop

Nic Bishop
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Books by Nic Bishop


Butterflies And Moths (2009)

Have you ever seen a butterfly wing up close? Did you know each wing is covered with thousands of individual scales? If you had sensitive lasers, high-speed flashguns, and weeks to spare in the rain forest, you might already know this. If you didn’t, it’s a good thing Nic Bishop does. In his book...

Butterflies And Moths (2009) by Nic Bishop

Lizards (2010)

Basilisks, flying dragons, lizards hatching out of eggs, and more: you'll find them in real-life, full color photographs in this book. Nic Bishop, the author, is one of today's foremost animal photographers and his expertise and patience shines through in every up-close lizard photo.This particul...

Lizards (2010) by Nic Bishop

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