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Jonny Duddle

Jonny Duddle
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Books by Jonny Duddle


The Pirate Cruncher (2010)

Amazingly illustrated, especially the format is similar to a graphic novel setup with the series of boxes. The telling of a treasure from a fiddler to abnd of pirates has a bold an capturingtake. especially the rhyming meter in the story really captures a mood. To do a storytelling with this bo...

The Pirate Cruncher (2010) by Jonny Duddle

Gigantosaurus (2014)

Age: Kindergarten-2nd gradeFollowing the path of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, four little dinosaurs are warned by their parents to watch out for Gigantosaurus. Bonehead always insists on being the lookout but enjoys flaunting his power, tricking the other dinos into hiding from friendly dinosaurs. I a...

Gigantosaurus (2014) by Jonny Duddle

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