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Ching Yeung Russell

Ching Yeung Russell
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.81

Books by Ching Yeung Russell


The Tofu Quilt (2009)

Tofu Quilt was an autobiography about Ching when she was a little girl. We loved how the story was written in a collection of poems about her different experiences throughout her childhood. She focuses a lot about her culture and gives many good details throughout the entire book. This book is a ...

The Tofu Quilt (2009) by Ching Yeung Russell

Tofu Quilt (2009)

Yeung Ying is a young Chinese girl living in Hong Kong in the 1960s. She likes to write stories and hates doing math. She writes letters for her family members, many of whom can't write. She dreams of being a writer someday. This collection of poems tells her story as she discovers who she wants ...

Tofu Quilt (2009) by Ching Yeung Russell

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