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Anne Isaacs

Anne Isaacs
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.67

Books by Anne Isaacs


Dust Devil (2010)

This sequel to Swamp Angel takes us farther West for our monstrous heroine to work her hyperbolic magic through the history of the wild West. Another great example of figurative language in story telling. I love the voice too. Isaacs, A., & Zelinsky, P. O. (2010). Dust devil. New York, NY: Sch...

Dust Devil (2010) by Anne Isaacs

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch (2014)

This book is a great example of a picture book that should be used with older children. This book is full of exaggerations and plays on words that older children will understand and appreciate that youngers won't. It's also a longer picture book and needs to have an audience that can stay with ...

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch (2014) by Anne Isaacs

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