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The MacKinnon Curse (2012)

The MacKinnon Curse (2012)

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Julia Templeton

About book The MacKinnon Curse (2012)

A great source of information that answers a lot of questions that you many have after reading "The Deepest Cut." However, it should be read after reading "The Deepest Cut," otherwise it's not as suspenseful. I enjoy Templetons' writing style and intelligent use of grammar, spelling and punctuation. This is a quick, easy read that it definitely worth reading if you've read book 1 and need a bit more background.Also, I'd like to say that I've read a couple negative reviews and I'm disappointed that so many readers are looking for such specific things. Yes, the bonding comes fast in these books, yes, scene change instantaneously, and yes, a lot happens in one chapter. You may not like it, and you may want a more drawn out story. Consider, though, that no everyone wants that. I, for one, enjoy quick and easy beach reads. Rate authors on the piece they've written, not what you would have wanted them to write. If that's the case- maybe you need to start writing...[End rant, lol] Since I loved the “The MacKinnon Curse Trilogy”, I had been looking forward to this little story! It was great to see things from Ian’s POV—I really missed him in books 2 and 3—and to meet his family too. But, I did find reading this a little sad, because having read the other books, I knew what this guy’s fate was from the get go. But, nonetheless, I really enjoyed it, and it was great to see Riley at the end too. If you enjoyed the trilogy, you’ll enjoy this!

Do You like book The MacKinnon Curse (2012)?

I really enjoyed reading from Ian's point of view and learning more about his life. Great novella.

Enjoyable start to a series. Fun theme and pretty well written. Nice light read. gbash

Great background to the series and answers the questions I had about Ian's past.

Is a great book to read

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