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Circle Of Lies (2012)

Circle of Lies (2012)

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About book Circle Of Lies (2012)

Circle of lies is pretty similar to Pack of lies, the first book, except this time the main focus is Aiden, Alli's brother. At the end of Circle of lies, We found out that Aiden is actually Marcus' son which just makes everything more complicated because Aiden's half sister, Alli, is mated to his (new) half brother, Cade. Talk about incestuous. Anyways, that's not really the focal point of this story. Circle of lies revolves around Aiden and the human girl, Teagan, who we saw a bit of in book one. The love story is really similar to book one in that this is a pair that shouldn't be together, but because of their undeniable chemistry they have no choice. It was a little too similar to the fort book for my liking and had there not been another dimension o the story, I would've complained about this repetitiveness. In this book, we are introduced to a new character, Peter, a human who seems to be clued up on werewolves and how to identify them. Peter befriends Teagan's drunken father and at the climax of this story the two plot strands collide.I was a little surprised to find that Alli and Cade weren't the focus of this novel, but I actually think that this was a good thing. It was really refreshing to see the old story revamped from the perspective of different characters and I enjoyed getting to know Teagan, Aiden and Peter through their thoughts. As far as I can remember, these are the only three perspectives that we see, but they're the only three we really need in this story. I much preferred Teagan and Aiden's perspectives to Alli and Cade's though I can't really pinpoint why. Although there was also a sort of 'insta-love' between this new pair, their relationship was developed a lot better and there was a build up before they jumped into a relationship. Even though insta-love really bothers me, I accepted it in this novel because there was a sense of real chemistry between the pair. I liked that this story wasn't entirely focused on their relationship, but there were also details about Teagan's home life and the pack. The new guy Peter does sort of appear out of the blue and I feel that his background could've been developed a lot more but he did bring some drama to this novel. This novel ends on cliffhanger so I'm excited for book three and I'm wondering if its going to come from a new perspective. I still can't figure out why the titles of this books in this series are called 'Pack of Lies' and 'Circle of Lies' because I don't think lying is a particularly major part of these stories but oh well. This was an excellent book that I flew through in one sitting and despite it's similarities to book one of this series I still greatly enjoyed it.

Circle of Lies is a delightful YA paranormal romance by Sara Daily and Staci Weber. The second in the Red Ridge Pack, Circle of Lies follows brand-new werewolf Adien Wright. Adien is having one heck of a time. In the past few weeks, he has found out his true identity, moved to New Mexico, been involved in a vicious right to save his sister and uncovered some major family secrets. Now, unsuspecting Teagan Rhodes has wandered into his life. Teagan resists advances from Adien based upon his involvement with the popular crowd. Dubbed "The Beautiful People," the popular kids have hurt Teagan before. The problem is Adien and Teagan are meant to be, and alone their secrets threaten to destroy. This book was fantastic! While I adore fun, YA paranormal series, I haven't gotten into one about werewolves. Weber and Daily have crafted this lush world, with a community of complex, believable characters. I had no trouble believing in the pack dynamics. Adien is my favorite type of romantic hero. He is sexy, strong but flawed, vulnerable. Teagan is the perfect foil for his ladies man attitude. With her, he breaks down, he allows real emotions to lead his heart and his actions. Teagan is strong, witty, kind abs as little scared. The characters are what made this story so wonderful. Daily and Weber write with such clarity and poise, you can't help but cheer for them. The authors also capture the frenetic pace of high school romance. It is full of action, emotion and juicy details that keep you coming back for more. While romance is at the forefront of Circle of Lies, the novel is rich and layered. As if falling in love in high school was not dangerous enough, Teagan has to deal with the fact that her boyfriend is a werewolf and being stalked by a psycho killer. Fans of paranormal romance will love this book. I, for one, cannot wait to go by the first Red Ridge Pack novel.Disclaimer: I was gifted a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Do You like book Circle Of Lies (2012)?

Today's review is on circle of Lies by Sara Dailey & Staci WeberI was hoping there would be some growth with this second installment of the Red Ridge Pack series, and while there were no inconsistencies like the first it still needs a little work. In fact, I feel that this one seriously lacked some originality. In the first book we learn that Allison and Aiden's mother is a werewolf and that they are too. While book one focuses on Allison finding her true mate, this book focuses on Aiden doing the same. The only real difference between the two is that Aiden's true mate is a human. Sound like what happened with his mom and dad? Exactly!! Not to original.We also learn that Marcus is actually Aiden's father, not the man who raised him. And as the eldest son of the Alpha, Aiden is expected to become the next in line. What does that mean for Cade? What happens now? Well we don't really find out until the very last sentence that pretty much tells you what is going to happen in book three. Talk about giving to much away.The crisis of this story does have some merit but not very much. It lacks any real substance and falls apart to easily. Don't get me wrong, it did pique my interest if only for one chapter. Perhaps if the authors spent less time on copying almost the exact events from book one and more on the "bad guy reveals that werewolves are real" part, the overall book would have been better. I guess we'll never know.2.5 of 5 starsAvailable at Amazon
—Annette M Guerriero Nishimoto

LOVED this book! There wasn’t a beat missed between this book, and Pack of Lies (the first book). Aiden learns a shocking truth, one that will shake up everything for the whole pack even! And then there’s Teagan. She’s fallen for one of the “beautiful” people. Again, we get a couple different point of views, which I love, because we’re able to see into their thoughts.There's a lot of action going on in this book! And I know there has to be a book 3!!! Because when it ends, there's more to this pack's story!! Can't wait to see what happens to Aiden, Teagan, Ali and Cade.
—Nicole/Books Complete Me

Aiden Wright's life has taken a different turn. Recovering from an unexpected accident, he's still in the process of making sense of the events that have landed him where he is now. He knows that things aren't what they seem, and that his parent's have been keeping something from all along. Yet when the moment they reveal the secrets he needs to know arrives, he's not exactly prepared for what they have to say.His family's move to New Mexico is supposed to be good for him. It should allow him to accept his new role as a werewolf. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Aiden is still reeling from the implications of what he's been made privy to. Not to mention that there are those who aren't happy with the family's sudden presence in the small community. Never-the-less, he knows they're there for the duration, so he'll need to learn what he needs to learn and fast.When Teagan Rhodes enters his line of sight, Aiden's world takes a different turn. There's something about her that draws his interest, and he's not willing to allow anyone else to stake a claim on her. Sadly, she wants nothing to do with him. In her eyes, he's not a part of the world she lives in, and she'd rather do without the feelings he's begun to evoke in her.Aiden refuses to believe that Teagan wants to stay away from him. There's something that feels so right whenever they're together. Something he knows she feels. He knows he;ll need to make her see that they definitely belong together. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem likely. If they're to succeed in making things work between them, they'll need to first get past the differences and insecurities that surround them.This was another lovely addition to the Red Ridge Pack series. I enjoyed the story very much. While this one doesn't continue with Allie and Cade's storyline, it certainly is refreshing. We get to see Aiden and Teagan mature along the way, as well as deal with a slew of difficulties that threaten to upsurp the love they now share between them. Definitely a heart-warming and intriguing read, I look forward to what comes next for this series.

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